SEO The Basics Skriv ut

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SEO versus SEM

SEO = Search Engine Optimisation - or how to get traffic without paying Google for it.

SEO is a wide series of techniques that will help push a website or web page to page one in Google for specific searches.

This type of traffic is typically referred to as "organic traffic".

Its important to note that search engines are not predictable so SEO is a kinf of black art. It is impractical and perhaps disingenuous for an SEO company or consultant to guarantee anything. However SEO basics will make a significant difference.

SEM = Search Engine Marketing - Pay Google to display a website on its first page.

One does not really have to optimise a site very much to gain traffic by paying Google using its Google Adwords program. Splash the cash and receive instant traffic. Of course once someone lands on your site if the content is not rich, engaging or in context with the search there is no point paying for people to view it!

Organic Search Rankings

There is no perfectly magical formula for writing pages with the prospect of good organic search engine ranking however here are some general guidelines.

Google will read and rate all of the content on a web page and together with how many incoming links there are to your website it will rank the worthiness of your site with regards the keywords searched for by the user and their location.

SEO Basics

The content google will read and evaluate is essentially:

  • The Meta Title (for WordPress users referred to as SEO Title in Yoast)
  • The pages Meta-Description (Also editable in Yoast for WordPress users)
  • The content on the page (Of which the first sentence, the page heading and sub-headings are generally most important. The focus keywords should appear ideally a few times or more)
  • How fresh the content is.
  • How well the grammar and article reads.

Your writing priority should be on humans reading this content! i.e. write good content. Google tries to distinguish content written for gaming the system as compared with content written for humans to read. The latter will rank higher as Google wants to remain relevant and serve their users pages with rich content (for humans) not pages written for robots!

The two dot points above, Title and Meta-Descriptions is content that appears in Google listings (The title of your page and the page description) The page title also appears in a tab in most browsers and is also used when a user bookmarks a page.

With the keywords generally the rules are:

Page Titles (Or Meta-Title or SEO Title)

  • Maximum of 66 characters including spaces.
  • The first set of keywords are regarded higher than the later keywords but they are all considered.
  • Try to use unique words for each page.
  • Make these inviting to humans as a priority - i.e. a human is who we want to click on the link when it appears in the google search results. Does it read like something you would click on? Yes or No!

Meta Descriptions

  • Maximum 144 characters (use the green bar).
  • Make these page descriptions inviting to the end user and sprinkle with keywords.
  • Make these unique to each page - what is the page about?

Incoming Links

If no other website links to your website Google will view it as unpopular and not rank it very highly. If, on the other hand, one hundred other websites link to your website then Google will rate the website as popular and give it a massive ranking boost.

So you need to try and get other website to link to your site. The more popular the website that links to you the higher the ranking boost. Links to your website that Google find in social media will also boost the ranking.

SEO Winning Formula

  • Complete the SEO Basics (use your keywords in Title, Meta-Description, sub-headings and first few sentences/paragraphs)
  • Write content with human consumption (readability) in mind
  • Get as many other websites and social media accounts to link to your web pages.


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